Thursday 29 March 2012

MarI SaMbuNg BlAjaRrr...JeNiS2 SerVe / TypE Of SErVe

Dah sekian lama kita tngglkan pembeljaran kita, skang ni ak nk share cara2 nak serve dgn betul. Serve yang lemah akn mudhkan pihak lawan untuk matikan serve kita dgn cepat. Serve ade 3 jenis iaitu serve tinggi, serve rendah & serve mengejut. Oleh hal yg dmikian, ak akn huraikan srba sdkit pasal jenis2 serve dlm badminton. sama2 lah kita pelajari n kalau rase bagus kita amalkan...

1.The High Badminton Serve

This type of serve is usually executed when you want the shuttle to land at the back end of the court. A good high serve must have the shuttle dropping steeply downwards at the back end of the court.
A high serve will prevent your opponent from executing a strong smash. Instead, a lob or a drop is more expected from your opponent (unless they can do a jump smash).

Try to serve the shuttlecock to your opponent's backhand area. The objective is to force your opponent to use his backhand. This is because most badminton players, even world class player, have weaker backhands (compared to their forehands)

If your hit it to your opponent's backhand area, but he/she refuses to use the backhand, he will then have to move further away from his base! This gives you the chance to exploit an opportunity to control the game if your opponent does not have good badminton footwork.

Let me show you how to do a high serve...

*Hold the head of the shuttlecock with its head facing downwards so that the shuttlecock will drop straight down.
*Stand sideways (the side of your body facing the net) and relax your racquet arm (arm that is holding the racquet).
*Let go of the shuttlecock and swing your racquet arm upwards. As you do this, twist your waist to the extent that your body faces the net. Flick your wrist towards the direction you want the shuttle to land (Flick your wrist upwards, so that the shuttlecock will fly high).
*Your back leg should lift up naturally (with your toes touching the ground).

The high serve is useful against opponents who cannot perform strong smashes from the back of the court.
However, some badminton players (especially taller players) can execute powerful smashes even from the back of the court (usually with a jumping smash).
If this is the case, consider using the low serve instead. This is also the reason why professional players nowadays prefer using the low serve.

2.The Low Badminton Serve

The low serve is used when you want the shuttlecock to land in front of the court (in front of your opponent).
A GOOD low serve will have the shuttlecock flying JUST ABOVE THE NET.
If not, your opponent will have the chance to dash forward and smash the shuttle down to you.
A low serve, when executed beautifully, prevents your opponent from making an offensive shot.
Unlike the high serve, you can let the shuttle drop anywhere in front (forehand area or backhand area of your opponent)
Neither makes a difference because it does not disrupt your opponent's footwork.

As a start, practice serving so that the shuttle drops right in front of your opponent (point A in picture above).
Let me show you how to do a low serve...

*Hold the feather of the shuttlecock with the head of the shuttlecock facing downwards.
*Position the racquet behind the shuttlecock.
*Step slightly forward with your right (left) leg if you are right handed (left handed).
*As you let go of the shuttlecock, flick your racquet lightly while pushing your thumb forward towards the direction you want the shuttle to land. The power comes mainly from the push of your thumb and the slight flick of your wrist.

3.The Flick Serve ("Fake" Low Serve)
The "fake" low badminton serve can also be used to trick your opponent (deceive your opponent to expect a low serve).

When you stand in a low serve position, your opponent would probably expect a low serve. However, push your thumb and flick your wrist harder so the shuttlecock flies HIGH and heads to the back of the court!

Well, knowing how to serve is one thing. Practising is another. If you want to make perfect serves, keep practising until you don't make any mistakes!

Ini lak yag ak dah transelit belit kan utk yg xberpe nk phm bhsa amerika ni, cam ak keh3..enjoy..

1.Serve Tinggi

Pukulan jenis ni biasanya dilakukan apabila anda mahu shuttle mendarat di hujung belakang gelanggang. Servis tinggi yang baik mesti menjatuhkan shuttle di bhgn belakg gelanggang.servis yang tinggi akan menghalang lawan anda daripada melakukan pukulan yang kuat. Sebaliknya, lob atau drop dijangka dari lawan anda (kecuali jika mereka boleh melakukan jumping smash).

Jika anda memukul ke kawasan pukulan kilas lawan, tetapi lawan enggan menggunakan pukulan kilas, beliau kemudian akan bergerak lebih jauh daripada asas! Ini memberi anda peluang untuk mengeksploitasi peluang untuk mengawal permainan jika lawan anda tidak mempunyai gerak kaki badminton yang baik.

begini caranya cara pegang shuttle untuk melakukan pukulan tinggi...

*Memegang kepala bulu tangkis dengan kepalanya menghadap ke bawah supaya bulu tangkis akan jatuh lurus ke bawah.
*Berdiri di sisi (sisi badan anda menghadap jaring) dan relakskn lengan raket anda (tangan yang memegang raket).
*Lepaskan shuttle dan hayun raket anda ke atas. Apabila anda melakukan ini, pusingkan sedikit pinggang anda sehingga ke tahap badan anda menghadap jaring. Halakan pergelangan tangan anda ke arah yang anda mahu shuttle jatuh(jentik ke atas pergelangan tangan, supaya shuttle terbang tinggi).
*Kaki belakang anda harus terangkat semula jadi (dengan jari kaki menyentuh tanah).

Servis tinggi adalah berguna bila kita men dgn lawan yang tidak boleh smesh kuat dari belakang gelanggang.
Walau bagaimanapun, beberapa pemain badminton (terutamanya pemain yg tinggi) boleh smesh dgn kuat walaupun dari belakang gelanggang(biasanya dengan jumping smesh).

Dlm kes ini, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan servis rendah. Ini juga adlh sebab mengapa pemain profesional pada masa kini lebih suka menggunakan servis rendah.

2.Servis Rendah

Servis rendah digunakan apabila anda mahu shuttle jatuh di hadapan gelanggang lawan.
Servis rendah yg BAIK akan menerbangkan bulu tangkis betul2 di atas net.
Jika tidak, pihak lawan anda akan mempunyai peluang untuk mengetuk & mematikan bulu tangkis anda.

Berbeza dengan servis yang tinggi, anda boleh drop bulu tangkis di mana-mana sahaja di hadapan gelanggang (pukulan depan kawasan atau kawasan kilas lawan anda)

Sebagai permulaan, praktis supaya bulu tangkis jatuh betul-betul di hadapan net lawan anda.

Begini caranye nk pegang shuttle bila nk wat low serve..

*Pegang bulu bulu tangkis dengan kepala bulu tangkis menghadap ke bawah.
*Letakkan raket d belakang bulu tangkis.
*Melangkah sedikit ke hadapan kaki kanan, jika anda menggunakan tgan kanan.
*Setlah anda lepaskan shuttle,tolak raket anda perlahan lahan manakala ibu jari ditolak ke hadapan ke arah yang anda mahu shuttle jatuh. Kuasa datang dari tekanan ibu jari anda dan tolak sedikit pergelangan tangan anda.

3.Pukulan Mengejut("fake" low serve)
Pukulan mengejut yang rendah juga boleh digunakan bagi mengumpan lawan (memperdayakan lawan anda untuk mengharapkan servis rendah).
Apabila anda berdiri dalam kedudukan servis yang rendah, lawan anda mungkin akan mengharapkan servis yang rendah. Walau bagaimanapun, tolak ibu jari anda dan hayun pergelangan tangan anda kuat ckt supaya bulu tangkis terbang TINGGI dan jatuh di belakang gelanggang.

Jadi, untuk jadi pro n xpert dlm semua hal, kta kena lah terus praktis, praktis n trus praktis..majulah badminton untk ksihtan

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